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Health and Safety








Providing a Catholic college preparatory education in a safe and healthy environment is our top priority at Notre Dame Prep. We will always take the well-being of our students, faculty and staff very seriously by creating policies that provide the best outcomes. 


Health and Safety Contacts

Anne Buckley
Dean of Women

Matthew Taylor
Dean of Men

Campus Security
For assistance call

School Nurse

Health Office Hours
School Days 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 

Tip Line

If there is ever a time when a student, faculty member or a member of our staff feels unsafe, he/she can fill out our anonymous tip line and a member of the administration or security team will follow up and respond appropriately. 

School Nurse

Important information from the Student Health Office

Keeping our students safe and healthy is vital to our mission. Please familiarize yourself with our health policies.


  • *HOI (Health Office Information Form): This is required for all students and must be on file in order to be permitted on campus. 

  • Medication Permission Form: This form must be filled out for any prescription medication (ADD meds, antibiotics, EPI Pens, Inhalers for asthma or any medication that is not listed on the HOI form.) All medications provided by parent to be kept at school must be in the original container, clearly labeled with student’s name, physician name and dosing instructions. 

  • Allergy Action Plan: This form must be filled out by a physician and should accompany all EPI Pens or medications to treat food allergies or other allergies that lead to severe reaction or anaphylaxis. 

*The HOI form must be returned to NDP before the first day of school, August 7, 2024, or your child will not be allowed to start school.  


Arizona state law mandates that all students enrolled in any school must provide documentation of all required immunizations before the student is allowed on campus. See the Guide to Arizona Immunizations Required for School Entry. 

Students who cannot provide this information are required to have a signed Exemption Form on file. 



The nurse is not permitted to administer any medication to students without written authorization from the parent/guardian. This includes ADD medications, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, antacids, cough drops and antibiotic creams. Diocese policy prohibits the nurse from providing or dispensing any medications without written permission from the student's parent or guardian. Medications provided by parent to be kept at school must be in the original container, clearly labeled with student’s name, physician name and dosing instructions. All medications must be accompanied by a signed Medication Form in order for medication of any kind to be administered by Health Office personnel. A new form must be completed and signed each school year.



Any student who feels the need to visit the Health Office for any reason, must obtain a written pass from their teacher. If it is deemed necessary for the student to be dismissed from school for health reasons, arrangements must be made through the Health Office. NO student will be released without parent/guardian permission. The following conditions warrant a student being dismissed: vomiting, fever over 100-degrees, rash of unknown origin, undiagnosed pink eye, or injuries requiring more extensive evaluation. Please do not come to school ill.



Parents of students with pre-existing health conditions must contact the Health Office to inform the staff of specific action plans. An Inhaler Self-Carry Release or Epipen Self-Carry Release form must be on file before the start of school. Students with severe allergies, must fill out the Allergy Action Plan.

Any Conditions such as diabetes, asthma (requiring a nebulizer treatment), or any other special health needs must be discussed with the nurse in the Health Office before the start of school or when the condition is diagnosed. 



When a student is sent home ill, or stays home because they are ill, please follow the 24-hours symptom free rule. We ask that the student remain free of symptoms without the use of medications for 24 hours to prevent the spread of communicable disease. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Illnesses can wax and wane, so a full 24 hours without symptoms ensures recovery. 


  • Hand hygiene is the single most important thing you can do to combat germs and illnesses.
  • Take care of your body by getting adequate sleep, providing it with well-balanced nutrition and getting 30 minutes of exercise 4 to 6 days of the week.
  • Do not put foreign substances in your body, long term risks are involved.
  • Please reach out for education on the dangers of vaping and other substance abuse.


For questions about health concerns and action plans, please call (480) 634-8255 or email

Keeping NDP Safe

On-campus security is present every day to help keep students, faculty and staff safe.