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Saints News Archive

The Scoop is all the student news you can use on one page.

Besides being a quick way to get your NDP news, The Scoop serves as a catch-all page for many links to important events, contests, service opportunities and field trips. 

Click here to read The Scoop

Chain of Communication

Our communication flow is vital to the success of our school. For all questions and concerns we have a chain of communication in place to effectively satisfy the needs of our parents and students. 


Should a concern arise in the classroom or with a student’s grades the following procedure should be followed:

  1. To help students build self-advocacy skills, the first line of communication should always begin between the student and the teacher. Click here for our staff directory.

  2. After the student has communicated with the teacher, then the parents can contact the teacher directly via email if need be.

  3. If the issue remains unresolved, the parent should then communicate his/her concern with the department chair or child's counselor.

  4. Parents should only contact the Assistant Principal of Learning Services ( if the chain of communication has been exhausted.


Should a concern arise during an athletic season, House or club event the following procedure should be followed:

  1. To help students and student-athletes build self-advocacy skills, the first line of communication should always begin between the student and the coach, Head of House or club moderator.

  2. After the student has communicated with the coach, Head of House or club moderator, then the parents can contact them directly via email if need be.

  3. If the issue remains unresolved, the parent should then communicate his/her concern with the Athletic Director for sports concerns (, Director of Mission and Ministry for House concerns ( or our Assistant Principal for clubs or student activities concerns (

  4. Parents should only contact the Principal
    ( if the chain of communication has been exhausted.


For all other concerns or questions, we have many faculty and staff members ready and willing to help you. Please visit our staff directory to for the contact information.