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Kairos Team Leader Application


You are being asked to fill out this application so that we might consider who would be the best
applicants for KAIROS Teams.

Definite dates for the KAIROS are set, but actual meeting dates still need to be worked out. Working a KAIROS is no easy task. It takes time and dedication. You must be ready, willing, and able to make a full commitment. You must be in good standing with the school, both academically and behaviorally. To be a team member, you must be willing to:

Commitment Spiritually and:
1. To attend church weekly.
2. To attend Reconciliation during the formation period.
3. To participate in a weekly spiritual activity as determined by the student team.
4. To lead meetings in prayer.
5. Live the 4th by avoiding behavior that is sinful.

Team Commitment and:
1. Attend and be on time for ALL meetings. (We have 8 meetings from beginning to end.)
2. Attend weekly lunch meetings as agreed upon by the student team.
3. Recruit students to attend Kairos.
4. Prepare “materials” for candidates.
5. Help make the supplies needed for the retreat. (Name tags, place cards, etc.)
6. Work with a Talk Mentor to write and give a witness talk within the guidelines of an outline.
Retreat Commitment
1. Lead small group discussions and activities on retreat.
2. Serve the needs of fellow students.
3. Following the directions of the Rector and Director
4. Enforce the retreat rules.
Please be aware that this is an application, not a guarantee that you will be on a team.

First Name
Last Name
Which Kairos Did You Attend as a Candidate?required

Select which Kairos you would like to lead. You may choose more than one option, but you will only be chosen to lead one retreat.

Kairos #49 - September 10-13
Kairos #50 - November 5-8
Kairos #51- January 21-24
Kairos #52 - February 25-28
Kairos #53 - March 25-28
Kairos #54 - April 22-25

Please answer the following questions.

Find some quiet time to reflect and to pray and then begin writing.

Write as much as you have to say. Your openness and honesty is appreciated.

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Kairos Leader Expectations

Leading Kairos will ask you for a commitment of time, energy, and spirit.
Kairos leaders must abide by the following guidelines. Failure to do so may result in a
leader being removed from the retreat team.
  • Leaders must show exemplary behavior on and away from NDP’s campus.
  • Leaders must maintain their current academic standing.
  • Leaders must commit to attending formation meetings prior to the retreat, making these meetings a priority, and be willing to make the necessary sacrifices to attend them.
  • Leaders must be willing to fulfill the spiritual, team and retreat responsibilities mentioned in the Kairos Leader Application.
  • Leaders must prepare for their responsibilities on the retreat in a timely manner.
  • Leaders must adhere to the three R’s; Reverence, Respect, and Responibility.
By submitting this application, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the responsibilities for a Kairos leader. If selected, I will do my best to see that these responsibilities are upheld.required
My parents are aware I am submitting this application and agree to these responsibilities.required
Please choose the retreats that you would like to be considered for. 


Fr. Bonaventure Ugwu C.S.Sp.
Campus Chaplain

Alyssa Francia
Campus Minister

Kelly Jean
Administrative Assistant for COMM