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Prayer and Sacraments


We gather for daily Mass in the chapel at 7:15 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Wednesday Mass is at 2:35 p.m. 

Also, once a month we celebrate an all-school Mass with our entire community. Parents are welcome, but must check in at the front desk prior to Mass. 

Mass Times


Receiving the sacraments are a vital part of the Catholic Christian tradition. We offer communion everyday (with few exceptions), reconciliation by appointment or at our Advent and Lenten reconciliation days. Each year a number of students choose to make their confirmation and become full-fledged members of Catholic Church. 


Contact the COMM


We are more than an institute of excellent learning, we are a faith community. As such, we pray for each other in times of distress, help each other when needed and celebrate the joyful moments when our prayers and God's will collide. All prayer intentions are kept in confidence.

Prayer Requests