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The school must know where each student is at all time during the school day. We rely on a partnership with parents and guardians to ensure the safety and security of our students. 

If your student will be absent, require a late arrival or require an early release, please fill out and submit the ATTENDANCE FORM no later than 8:20 a.m.

If you have questions:
Cindi Buckner - (480) 634-8207
FAX – (480) 634-8299 

Students may NOT complete the Attendance Form. It must be completed by a guardian or parent, no matter if the student is 18 years old and it must be sent from a parent/guardian email address that is on file with Notre Dame Prep through PowerSchool.

Please be aware that any student arriving on campus after 8:00 a.m. must report to the SWEEP ROOM in the CAFE building, unless they have a doctor’s/dentist note or their attendance form is completed.

Absences submitted through the online attendance form will be considered excused absences. Submitting the attendance form notifies the school that the student will not be on campus that day. When an absence is excused, students will be allowed to make up the work they missed in class. An excused absence will still count toward a student’s maximum of 8 absences allowed per class per semester. Attendance forms must be submitted by the end of the school day to count as excused. 

Parents do not need to submit an Attendance Form when their student will be absent for a NDP sponsored activity.  The department sponsoring the activity will email the student's name to the attendance office the day before the event. These are excused absences for students and will be marked EVNT on their attendance page.

What is an unexcused absence? Absences that are not submitted through the online attendance form are considered unexcused absences. When a student has an unexcused absence, they will not be allowed to make up the work they missed. An unexcused absence will count towards a student’s maximum of 8 absences per class per semester.  If your student needs to leave school early or will be arriving late to school for any reason:

  1. The Attendance Form must be submitted before 8:20 a.m., for safety and security purposes. Students leaving early will not be permitted to leave their class otherwise.
  2. If anyone other than a parent or guardian is picking up a student from school early, the school must have that person listed as an emergency contact or written permission from the parent or guardian for another person to pick up their child, even if the other person is a relative.
  3. Students may not leave school early with other students, other students’ parents, or anyone else without written permission from a student’s parent or guardian.
  4. If students are ill, they should go to the nurse.  Students should not call their parents to come to school and pick them up; only the nurse is permitted to do that.  Please do NOT fill out the attendance form when your student becomes ill at school. If they call you, please tell them to come to the nurse's office.

For more information on attendance, please see the NDP Student/Parent Handbook.


If you know ahead of time your student will miss school for any reason, parents must fill out the Attendance Form and submit it at least two school days prior to the student’s absence. 


Juniors and seniors are allowed two (2) college/university visits per year without impacting their attendance record. When the parent/guardian submits the Attendance Form for college visits, the attendance office will email the college visit form to the parent and student. The student can also pick up the form at the Attendance Office or print it using this link college visit form, prior to their scheduled visit. Student will be responsible for all class assignments. The form must be signed by college officials, and turned into the Attendance Office 48 hours after to the college visit.

We offer on-campus visits with collegiate admissions personnel from hundreds of colleges and universities each year. All students are welcome to attend an unlimited number of these on-campus visits, organized by our counseling department, without impacting their attendance record.