With the Winter NDP Athletic season quickly approaching, please see below for information on the student-athlete registration process.
To participate in any NDP sport during the 2024-25 school year, all athletes must register online to be cleared and approved before the first tryout or practice. CLICK HERE to go to the NDP Athletics homepage and select ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION REGISTRATION. There you will be able to:
-- Download a pre-participation physical examination form to be filled out by your physician
-- Register your student through our secure registration platform, Final Forms
-- Download and fill out a transportation of a minor form
You can also CLICK HERE to directly access the transportation of a minor form which must be updated yearly and notarized. If you print and complete the form with everything except your signature, bring identification and visit a notary to sign and be done. To see an example of a completed form, CLICK HERE.
CLICK HERE to see upcoming tryout dates and info.