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In Memoriam



In loving memory of Our Beloved Saints, we invite you to gather in prayer and remembrance of those in our community whose earthly journey has ended and whose souls have been commended to God."

Memorial Wall Remembrance Ceremony
6 p.m. 
Monday, November 4, 2024
Our Lady of Grace Garden at NDP

(Our Lady of Grace Garden is located between the 400 and 500 buildings)
Please note that this ceremony is traditionally held on All Souls Day, but this year, it falls on the weekend, so we will honor our Beloved Saints on Monday, Nov. 4. Thank you for your understanding. 
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I would like to donate to the Memorial Wall Fund!Donations pay for the upkeep and name plates to be placed on the wall.
Donations pay for the upkeep and name plates to be placed on the wall.
All donations are used to pay for the name plates of those lost, so that their family members do not have to pay. 

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Our Beloved Saints

Scot Bemis
Kaden Bilbrey 
Cole Brecheisen
Bryan Burney
Gary Burr
Andrew Capps
Wesley Dobric
Brendon Drew
Ian Freeman
Garrick Gallego
Christian Gietz

Jesse Gildner
Charles Gonzales
Zachary Guerrero
Peter Igras
Caitlyn Janssen
Debra Kolbet
Mary Ann Miller 
Steve Porianda
Robert Tanner Powell
Jim Rantanen
Lisa Renfree
Jake Schlueter

Corrine Schultz
Andrew Sinderman
Anthony Smith
Jo Solomon
Barbara Stanley
Don Sterkowitz
Thomas Strom
Dominic Svorinic 
Kyle Torpey
John Tryon
Angelo Wright
Garrett Wyant

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen