Fall Final Exams
Final Exam Schedule - Fall 2024
Time | Wednesday, Dec 18 | Thursday, Dec. 19 | Friday, Dec. 20 |
8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. | MATH | SOCIAL STUDIES | ENGLISH |
9:30 to 10:00 a.m. | BREAK | BREAK | BREAK |
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. | WORLD LANGUAGE | SCIENCE | THEOLOGY |
NOTE: Final examinations are administered only during final exam week and only at the time scheduled by the school except in emergency cases arranged before the scheduled start time of the exam. Final exams may not be taken early for any reason. All absences on exam days must be approved in writing by your Assistant Principal (Tracey Heisler or Isaac Sedillos) before the scheduled start time of the exam: theisler@ndpsaints.org or isedillos@ndpsaints.org.
Final Exam Policies – Fall 2024:
- Review all Academic Honesty & Integrity policies in the Student/Parent Handbook (pages 69-72).
- Elective Classes may give final exams or have final projects due on the last two day(s) of classes: Mon. & Tues., Dec. 16-17. Students will have 40-min classes, all eight periods both of these days.
- Final exam review sessions will be held during class in the weeks prior to finals, and some classes may also offer additional optional review sessions before or after school.
- Final exams are weighted at 20% of students’ overall semester grade.
- Some classes may also require a final project, timed essay, speaking and listening or lab portion of the final exam to be completed in class the week before final exams.
- Students are not allowed to take final exams earlier than the regular scheduled time in order to accommodate vacation plans. Please make travel arrangements accordingly.
- Students who have academic accommodations will be testing in a different location and may start earlier or end later than posted exam times.
- Students who will miss a final exam because of illness or any other reason are required to contact the Assistant Principal of Learning Services to schedule a make-up exam, which will take place the first week of January, 2025.
- Final semester transcripts will be released: Friday, Jan. 17, 2025.
Student Preparation Tips:
- Start early! Review exactly what will be on each exam (document linked above), what the expectations are, and how much time you will have. Attend all review sessions and reach out to your teacher for one-on-one help if you need it.
- Set up your study space. Make sure you have a quiet spot away from distractions and that you have notes, study guides and other materials ready.
- Space out your studying throughout the weeks leading up to finals so that you are not cramming the night before each test. Read more about spaced practice and other study tips HERE.
- Study Guides: Don’t just read them: Hand-write your answers, color code topics, make flash cards, read it out loud, sketch pictures of the ideas, etc.
- Be social: Plan in-person and virtual study sessions with classmates to compare notes and practice with each other.
- Get a good night’s sleep, set your alarm early enough so that you can eat some breakfast, & pack up your materials - including #2 pencils and your calculator--- if you need it!
- Relax. This is a chance to show what you know and improve your grade by showing how you have grown. Your teachers love you and are praying for your success! Do your best and let God handle the rest.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Exam Day
What about extra time testing accommodations?
Students who have accommodations for extra time will have an earlier start time each day (usually 7:15 a.m. for first exam) and/or a later end time (for second exam) and will test in an alternate location. Students must sign up in advance to test with accommodations. If you have other questions about accommodations, contact Mr. Prelock or Mrs. Kreshock in the ARC, Room 901.
What if I am sick during final exams?
Students who are sick or who miss a final exam for any other reason will make up missed exams in January. Please contact your Assistant Principal, Tracey Heisler theisler@ndpsaints.org or Isaac Sedillos isedillos@ndpsaints.org, before the start of the exam time if you need to schedule a make-up final exam. Make up exams will be scheduled after school from 2:45 – 4:15 p.m. during the week of Jan. 7-10, 2025.
Where will I go to take my exam?
A full schedule of exam locations and proctors will be posted on Canvas and in various locations around campus.
When will I receive my final exam results and final semester grades?
- Final exam grades will be posted in Canvas after 11:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 20.
- Teachers will spend class time reviewing your final exam results with you in detail after the holidays in January.
- Teachers will finalize grades, and semester transcripts will be released Friday, Jan. 17, 2025.