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On Campus College Visits

All students regardless of grade-level are invited to meet with admissions representatives from many colleges and universities from around the country. NOTE: Some sessions are for seniors only, but most are open to all grades.

To sign up for a session, use your SCOIR account. Here are few guidelines:

  1. Students MUST notify your teacher in advance if they are going to miss a portion of their class and students are responsible for making arrangements to turn in and/or making up class work.
  2. Students CANNOT miss any summative assessments, labs, or presentations to visit with a rep
  3. Students must sign up at least 24 hours in advance
  4. Students need to login to their SCOIR account to reserve a spot at

  5. To cancel a visit with a college rep, students MUST let Mrs. Cusano in the guidance office know.
  6. Mrs. Cusano can reached by email or (480) 634-8239.

College Visits On Campus

Students: Please login to your SCOIR account to register for a visit. 


1/14 Northern Arizona University
1/14 Grand Canyon University
1/17 ASU Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Summer Program
1/28 University of Utah
2/5 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
2/5 University of Providence
2/6 ASU
3/3 Phoenix Catholic Colleges
3/4 Miami University (Oxford)
3/4 University of Calgary







Juniors and seniors only are allowed two (2) college/university visits per year without impacting their attendance record. Students are required to fill out the college visit form prior to their scheduled visit. Students are responsible for all class assignments. The form must be signed by college officials, and turned into the Attendance Office 48 hours after the college visit.

If a freshman or sophomore student decides to attend a college visit those visits will not be given an excused absence.